Contribution of bioactive hyaluronic acid and gelatin to regenerative medicine. Methodologies of gels preparation and advanced applications

The functionality and reactivity of polysaccharides, and in particular hyaluronic acid, in combination with proteins like gelatin, collagen and many others, offer very interesting opportunities for the new trends in regenerative medicine. In this review is described the relevance of gelatin (Gel) and hyaluronic acid (HA) biopolymers in the field of tissue engineering due to the excellent response of these biomimetic materials and their bioactive and biodegradable character in the human body. In addition, it is reported an overview of the most relevant crosslinking processes and agents that are being developed for regenerative medicine, including different hydrogel modifications as well as several interesting and advanced applications. The growing of clinical applications of these macromolecular components as assemblies opens new and advanced opportunities in regenerative medicine and drug delivery fields.

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